

How do animals survive in their habitat?

Updated: 11/12/2021
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7y ago

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how do animals survive in thier different habitat

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Adele O'Hara

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Q: How do animals survive in their habitat?
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How animals survive in their habitat?

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by adapting


Any arctic animals.

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They posses adaptation feature to the marine habitat.

Can you use adaptations in a sentence?

animals go through adaptations to survive in the habitat

Do animals in captivity have a longer lifespan than living in their natural habitat?

yes. they are protected from predators and are given meals. animals in their natural habitat have to fend for themselves to survive

How do animals that live along the coastlines survive when the tide is out?

The survive because they are specialy made for that ecosystem that is colled adaption to their habitat.

What is a habitat niche?

Habitat and niche are two different things. Habitat is where the organism lives. Niche is the organism's role it plays in it's habitat.

Why do people believe the rain forest should be saved?

It is the natural habitat for many animals and without it the animals cannot survive.

How do you make them strong?

Umm... What is "they" referring to? You really need to retype this question. If they is meaning animals, then animals get strong by eating and keeping within the habitat that they should be in. Even when moved from their habitat, animals can adapt to survive. Overall, animals need food, water, shelter, and space to survive and get strong. Make sure to give that to your pet if you have one!

What does mean physical adaptation?

its some thing on the animals body that helps it survive.