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They can't keep their nests clean because their nests are on the ground.

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Q: How do ant's keep there nests clean?
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How ants make nests?


Do anteaters make nests?

no anteaters don't like nest ants get in it and they do not like ants

Do all queen ants return to their nests?

yes,they do.

Do leaf cutter ants build nests?

No But They Do Live In The Same Branch (Seprate Nests)

Do fire ants compete with other ant species?

No they do not, all ants thrive together to make huge nests

How are ant nests guarded?

They have guard ants that are bigger than the others.

Why aren't there ants in the woods?

There certainly are ants in the wood. You just have not looked in the right places at the right times. If you looked during the winter in a cold country you might not see ants above the ground, because their colonies all are deep underground in their nests where they can keep warm till springtime comes.

Do fire ants kill each other when put in enclosed spaces?

if they are from different nests then yes

How did the carpenter ant get its name?

Carpenter ants prefer dead, damp wood to build their nests in.

How do you kill ants nests?

Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Or kill it with fire.

Why do the fire ants defend their nests and sting aggressors?

Most creatures defend their turf, but fire ants are especially dangerous because of their sting, and very aggressive,

When ants sense rain do the ants close up their nests?

No their nests are designed so that water cannot enter and if it does they can close up the hole/s.