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Q: How do asexual reproduction benefits a species of sponge?
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What are gemmules and what is their in sponge reproduction?

They are used as reproductive agents in asexual reproduction.

How does a sponge it?

asexual reproduction its when a piece of a sponge falls of and can grow to a replica of that sponge.. 7th grade science easy stuff!

Which are buds formed inside a sponge during asexual reproduction called?

Buds formed inside a sponge during asexual reproduction are called gemmules. A sponge forms them during harsh weathers to delay the formation of new sponges until conditions improve.

What are buds formed inside a sponge during asexual reproduction called?


Are buds formed inside a sponge during asexual reproduction called?

b for palto users

What is one method of asexual reproduction used by livig organism?

Budding is one type of asexual reproduction. It is seen in sponges, plants and single celled organism. The parent and daughter cells are not the same size. In sponges a smaller nub will grow on the parent sponge and fall off to form a new sponge.

When does a sponge produce genmmules?

Depending on the type of sponge, they can reproduce either sexually or asexually. Sexual reproduction of a sponge is when a male sponge releases a large cloud of sperm in the water and when it passes by a female sponge of the same species it passes through special cells called archaeocytes. This funnels the sperm toward the egg cells already in the female sponge to create the larvae. Depending on the type of sponge, the female will either release the larvae soon afterward or store them and release them later. Asexual reproduction of a sponge happens when each individual sponge produces buds, or packets of several cells inside a protective covering which later develops into adult sponges.

Why sponges produce gemmules?

its because the gemmules are like the little packages that hold the start of another sponge, so even if the sponge doesnt survive, the gemmule will, and then when conditions get better the gemmule will make another sponge.

What is the term for asexual reproduction in sponges explain how the new individual forms?

Asexual reproduction in sponges can happen in a couple of different ways. The most well-known method is called gemmulation and it begins when groups of cells get stored on the surface of the sponge. New life erupts from these cells into sea water.

Is a barrel sponge sexual or asexual?

Sexually active

What are two methods of asexual reproduction in sponges?

Reproduction Like all other organisms, sponges need to produce and generate offspring. However, their methods of performing such quintessential tasks are very divsersified. Unlike humans, porifera may propogate both sexually and asexually. The processes may be oviparous, where there is a mass spawning of eggs and sperm, or vivivparous, where the cells are incubated prior to releasal. In addition, sponges may commence to reproduce at the age of three years. The genetics systematics of porifera are fundamentals of new scientific research throughout the world. By revealing and untangling the convoluted and cryptic reproduction patterns of porifera, it is theorized that such research may be implemented to benefit humans. Below is a comparison of sponge reproduction processes. (To learn about recent research, follow the link to the current studies section of this site.) Asexual methods of reproduction 1) Budding and Gemules- A mini-sponge branch forms on the exterior of the sponge. After a period of time, currents may cause this to break off from the rest of the sponge. 2) If a conglomeration of sponge cells is extracted from the main body of the sponge, it will develop into another porifera. Sexual methods of reproduction 1) Basically, most sponges are hermoprhoditic (being of both genders or able to change between these genders). Eggs and sperm are released, and these cells are cross fertilized. Whence, they float to some uninhabited section of the ocean floor and initiate their life as a sponge. This is actually synchronized between species. Two important terms to remember are viviparous and oviparous. Viviparous sponges incubate the eggs within their branches before releasal. Oviparous simply release the sponges. yes

How do sponge reproduce?

1.most sponges are hermaphroditic, having the ability to act as both males and females. when acting like a male, the sponge releases a substance called sperm n the water. when a sponge of the same species catches a the sperm, it will form the larvae witch will develop in the sponge after a while. when the larvae are ready, the sponge will release them into the water. that's one of the ways! love, science lover!