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Q: How do assembly line affect the consumers?
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How did the assembly line affect the auto industry?

It increased productivity.

How did the assembly line affect production costs?

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How did the assembly line affect the automobile industry How do you think it affected other industries?


How does the assembly line benefits consumers?

it allowed the production for the product to increase rapidly. Therefore causing mass production and the price to go down

How does Henry Ford's assembly line affect the future assembly line?

Henry fords assembly line effected the furtures assembly line 1. because it was the roaring twentys when it happened 2. is that it got things done faster so it would help a lot in in the future 3. because it gave many people work 4. a lot of people was getting off unemployment

How did the field of robotics affect manufacturing?

they made other robots

How did the assembly line affect culture?

The assembly-line allowed manufacturers to produce vehicles at a much lower cost. The effect was that the average consumer was able to purchase a vehicle. Prior to the perfection of the assembly-line vehicles were very costly and only the rich could own a car. This put America on wheels.

What did Henry ford develop?

The Assembly line.

What effect did assembly line have on production costs?

What the assembly line did was it served to speed up production and make work easier. The idea being that many unskilled workers would take the place of the few skilled workers. The assembly line produces more products in a short period of time which means that companies can sell their product at a cheaper cost making the product more affordable to consumers.

What do a assembly line do?

The assembly-line manager or supervisor is only responsible for the line that he or she oversees

How did the technological advance of the assembly line affect the way in which humans produce products like cars?

increased the uniformity of items.

When did Henry ford make the assembly line?

He did not invent the assembly-line