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Astronauts exposed to the vacuum of space without a spacesuit would experience rapid decompression leading to the expulsion of air from their lungs and potential unconsciousness within 15 seconds. Their bodily fluids would start to boil due to the lack of atmospheric pressure. In a few minutes, they would suffer from hypoxia and hypothermia, leading to brain and organ damage, ultimately resulting in death.

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Q: How do astonauts die if they go without a suit?
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"There is not atmosphere in space, so there is not pressure, and your body would explode without a suit applying artificial pressure. Also you wouldn't be protected in any way from solar radiation and would probably fry. Of course you also need the Oxygen the suit provide to breathe. "

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No because if you go into space you would die from the lack of air and the air would freeze or boild you to death

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"There is not atmosphere in space, so there is not pressure, and your body would explode without a suit applying artificial pressure. Also you wouldn't be protected in any way from solar radiation and would probably fry. Of course you also need the Oxygen the suit provide to breathe. "

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Do you ever go into a house to get a gas poisoning victim yourself?

Not without a gas mask and protective suit you don't. Unless ur suicidal.