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No astronauts have ever been to Mars, and no rock samples have ever been sent to Earth.

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Q: How do astronauts bring rock samples back from Mars?
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What date did the astronauts come back from the mission to mars?

no astronaut was ever sent to mars

What are some of the things that astronauts do when they are on the moon?

they take samples of the ground and take it back for testing

Why haven't scientist landed on Mars?

Because people haven't figured out how to bring enough fuel so that the astronauts can get back so right now it is a suicide mission.

What does an astronauts do on a planet?

The only place astronauts have been other than Earth, is on the moon. When they were there, they did some exploring to see what it was like. They took samples of the soil and rocks to bring back to Earth. They tried to learn as much as they could while they were there. If astronauts get to visit other planets, they would do the same kinds of things.

Why did the astronauts bring back a rock?

So that it can be studied.

Why did astronaugts bring back samples of moon rock?

Scientists are bringing back samples from Mars so they can study the elements that the planet is made of. They can figure out if there ever was life on the planet just by studying the soil. Also, they will be able to find out if humans could ever inhabit Mars.

How many months do astronauts have to stay on mars before they can return home?

After astronauts arrive at Mars they will need to wait 15.4 months for the Earth and Mars to line up right before they launch In order to make it back home.

What did astronauts bring back from the moon to Earth?

Primarily rock, soil samples, pictures, and personal experiences, though there were other experiments performed (such as the solar wind collector, and UV camera experiment) which were also returned.

What is Mars rover?

The mars rover is a robot sent to mars to take samples and pictures for scientists to analyse back on earth, for detailed information i suggest Wikipeia

Why are they making one way tickets to mars?

It's too expensive to bring humans back from Mars

What did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin bring back from the moon?

They brought back samples of moon sand and moon rocks.

What did Apollo 8 bring back to earth?

Astronauts, knowledge, and photographs (Apollo 8 did not land on the moon).