


This category is for questions related to the personal requirements of Astronautical missions. The training, living accommodations, and working conditions both on the Earth and in space are discussed here. For further information on a particular astronaut, please see the name in question.

1,988 Questions

Do astronauts wear normal clothes in the spacecraft cabin?

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No, astronauts wear specialized space suits or flight suits inside the spacecraft cabin. These suits are designed to protect astronauts from the harsh conditions of space, including extreme temperatures, microgravity, and potential emergencies.

What was the name of John glenn space capsule?

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The name of John Glenn's space capsule was Friendship 7.

Can deaf people become astronauts?

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Yes, deaf people can become astronauts. The main requirement for becoming an astronaut is meeting the physical and mental criteria set by the space agency. Being deaf does not necessarily disqualify someone from meeting these requirements.

How do astronauts clean themselves on the International Space Station?

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Astronauts on the International Space Station clean themselves using no-rinse body wipes, liquid soap, and waterless shampoo. They use these products to wipe themselves down and then use a towel to absorb the excess moisture. Water is a limited resource on the ISS, so they have to be efficient with their cleaning routines.

Who was the first Canadian space tourist?

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Asked by Alcarreau

The first Canadian space tourist was billionaire entrepreneur and philanthropist Guy Laliberté. He flew to the International Space Station in September 2009 aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, spending 11 days in space.

Who was the first Canadian trained as a mission specialist for the International Space Station?

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The first Canadian trained as a mission specialist for the International Space Station was astronaut Chris Hadfield. He flew on two Space Shuttle missions to the ISS, STS-74 in 1995 and STS-100 in 2001. Hadfield later became the first Canadian to command the ISS in 2013.

Is an astronauts work inside or outside?

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Astronauts work both inside and outside the spacecraft. Inside, they conduct various experiments, operate equipment, and communicate with mission control. Outside, they perform spacewalks to conduct repairs, maintenance, and install new equipment on the spacecraft.

What collor is Sally rides hair?

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Sally Ride had light brown hair.

What problem was there with John Glenns spacesuit involving wool and linen?

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John Glenn's spacesuit had an issue with seams that were made from a mix of wool and linen, which could potentially cause him to feel itchy during his space mission. This was concerning because any discomfort or distraction could affect his ability to focus on his tasks in space.

How does the space suit backpack help astronauts in a space environment breathe?

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The space suit backpack is called the Portable Life Support System (PLSS) and contains oxygen tanks, a ventilation system, and filters to provide astronauts with breathable air. The PLSS also regulates temperature and removes carbon dioxide from the astronaut's exhaled air, ensuring they have a constant supply of fresh oxygen while in space.

What does the insulated features of a spacesuit layers designed to do what dont answer?

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The insulated features of a spacesuit are designed to regulate the temperature inside the suit by preventing heat loss or gain in the harsh environment of space. This helps protect the astronaut from extreme temperatures and maintain a comfortable internal temperature.

Why do astronauts need an air tank?

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Astronauts need an air tank to supply them with oxygen to breathe in the airless environment of space, where there is no atmospheric pressure to support life. The air tank also helps regulate the pressure inside the astronaut's suit and provides a way to expel carbon dioxide.

Where does astronauts get rid of garbage in space?

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Astronauts usually store their garbage aboard the spacecraft until it can be taken back to Earth for proper disposal. Some waste can be jettisoned into space, but this is regulated to minimize space debris. There are also recycling systems on the International Space Station to minimize waste production.

Who was America's first female astronaut?

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Sally Ride became the first American woman in space when she flew aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger in 1983.

Where are the space suits made?

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Spacesuits for NASA are mainly made by private companies such as ILC Dover and Boeing. They are manufactured in specialized facilities designed to meet the stringent requirements for space exploration, including durability, flexibility, and protection from the harsh environment of space.

How did the rocket burst in which kalpana chawla traveled?

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The Space Shuttle Columbia, on which Kalpana Chawla was a member of the crew, disintegrated upon re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere on February 1, 2003. A breach in the shuttle's thermal protection system caused by damage to the shuttle's wing during launch led to the tragedy.

Why do astronauts train before going to space?

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Astronauts train before going to space to prepare for the physical and psychological challenges of space travel. Training helps them familiarize themselves with spacecraft operations, practice emergency procedures, and learn how to adapt to the unique environment of space. Additionally, training helps astronauts work effectively as a team and handle the stress of long-term missions.

What are the 3 most important tools for an astronaut to bring to space?

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The three most important tools for an astronaut to bring to space are a spacesuit for protection outside the spacecraft, a communication device to stay in touch with mission control and other crew members, and a navigation system to ensure proper orientation and trajectory alignment during spacewalks or emergency situations.

Why is an astronaut weightless?

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An astronaut in space experiences weightlessness because they are in free fall towards the Earth, but are also moving sideways fast enough to constantly miss it. This creates the sensation of floating in zero gravity.

Do astronauts use athletic shoes for moon boots?

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Asked by Elizabethwatters

No, astronauts wear specialized lunar overshoes called "moon boots" over their space suits when walking on the Moon. These moon boots are designed to protect the astronauts from the harsh lunar environment and provide stability on the uneven surface. They are not the same as athletic shoes used for sports on Earth.

What natural fiber is used in space suits?

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Nomex is a meta-aramid material that is often used in space suits because of its flame-resistant properties and durability. It is lightweight, strong, and provides excellent protection against extreme temperatures and high levels of radiation in space.

How does the pressure in the astronaut's suit help the body work?

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The pressure in the astronaut's suit helps to counteract the lack of atmospheric pressure in space, preventing the body from swelling due to the vacuum of space. This pressure also helps to maintain a stable environment for the body's fluids and gases, allowing the astronaut to breathe and move more comfortably in space.

Why can you not hear a burp in space?

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In space, there is no air or atmosphere for sound waves to travel through, so you wouldn't be able to hear a burp as there is no medium for sound to be transmitted. Sound requires particles such as air to vibrate and carry the sound waves, which is absent in the vacuum of space.

Did Jack Swigert fly into space after Apollo 13?

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No, Jack Swigert did not fly into space after Apollo 13. He was originally supposed to be the command module pilot for Apollo 13 but was replaced by Ken Mattingly due to concerns about Swigert's exposure to German measles. Swigert did not fly in space again and passed away in 1982.

Who takes this responsibilty for this difficult descion in Apollo 13?

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In the movie Apollo 13, the ultimate responsibility for making difficult decisions falls on the Flight Director Gene Kranz, who leads the mission control team at NASA. Kranz plays a crucial role in determining the course of action to bring the astronauts back safely to Earth.