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Q: Are astronauts allowed phones on a previous space ship?
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Are astronauts allowed to eat cake in outer space?

yes they can

What food are astronauts not allowed to eat in space?

Potato Chips...because they are crunchy.

Why are astronauts not allowed to eat bread or cakes in space?

because they will have to take there hat off and then die

Why can woman not go to space a long time ago?

The first astronauts were recruited from previous fighter pilots, and that profession was only open for males, so no female astronauts.

How many space missions have there been to Astronout?

a lot. There are astronauts in space all time and they exchange routes as they are not allowed to be in space for more than six months

What types of astronauts are there on a space mission?

trained space astronauts

Astronauts are--who fly in space?

Astronauts are people who fly in space

What can astronauts not eat in space?

Why astronauts are not allowed to eat beans

What do Astronauts do on space station?

The astronauts can float in the

Why is it advantageous for astronauts to live on a space station rather than a space shuttle?

it is advantageous for astronauts to live on a space station rather a space shuttle because a space station allow astronauts to stay and work extended time . A space shuttle is a space craft to transport astronauts , satellites, and other materials to and from space.

Where astronauts ride?

Astronauts ride in a STS (Space Transporation System/Space Shuttle)

We see astronauts floating in space but not on earth.why?

We see astronauts floating in space but not on earth.why?