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The astronauts on a space mission usually have just the air they take with them (there have been some experiments in storing liquid gases to mix). The carbon dioxide is removed from the air, either by chemicals such as lithium hydroxide, or by using hydrogen that is electrolyzed from fuel cell water to recapture oxygen (Sabatier reaction). Oxygen is added from the fuel cell water and reserve tanks. All of this means that a long-term mission is limited by the supplies of hydrogen and oxygen and water they bring along, or are delivered by resupply.Space vehicles can harness substantial energy from small reactors, fuel cells, and solar panels, but they cannot obtain any air or water in space.

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They Pack enough Oxygen. they have extra tanks so they can do what they gotta do in space.... Hhahahaha

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Q: How do astronauts get a supply of fresh air?
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How do astronauts get supply of fresh air over a long time?

They make their own oxygen by mixing nitrogen with carbon dioxide.

Is it true that each time you breath you get a fresh supply of oxygen?

Yes. Though the air you're breathing might not exactly be 'fresh,' you do get a fresh supply with every inhalation.

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having air pockets in the resperater of the astronuat's suit

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Yes, its 1 to 10% of your supply air. ;-)

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As there is no air , it is difficult , but astronauts use radios.

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Oxygen is the component of air that we consume, so it must be continuously replaced as the astronauts breathe it. The the other components of air, mostly nitrogen, simply come from the initial air supply and do not need to be replaced.

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Its breath of fresh air.

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Through their refrigenerater.

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A collective noun for air is a breath of air.

What is the definition of air supply?

a supply of air