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The bat makes a screeching sound in a pitch too high for the average mammal's ears- let alone or weakly human ears- and then the sound reflects off of other objects and bounces back to the bat's ears allowing them to detect things such as bugs or trees in front of them.

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Q: How do bats use echolocation to hunt for food?
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What is the importance of echolocation for bats?

They use echolocation to hunt for their food dur

How do bats use ultrasound to hunt for their food?

They use echolocation (a form of ultrasonic ranging) to locate their food.

What does bat use ultrasound for?

Usually its actually echolocation . But they use to hunt for prey ( their food ) .

What do bats use to located food and navigate?

Echolocation it is very similar to the way dolphins and whales use echolocation

What senses do the bats use to find food?

Bats use their sense of hearing to find food. They use echolocation similar to dolphins.

How do you use echolocation in a sentences?

Bats use echolocation.

What is echolocation on bats?

Echolocation is when you use sound to locate where something is. Bats use it.

What do most bats use echolocation for?

Bats use echolocation to identify objects and where it is.

Do mega-bats use echolocation?

Yes, mega-bats use echolocation

Use echolocation in a sentence?

"Bats use echolocation to move around." Is a sentence using echolocation

What do Bats use to find their food and find their way around?

They use there sence of smell and some bats use echolocation x

What is a fruit bat's echolocation?

Fruit bats' echolocation is drastically reduced compared with that of insectivorous bats; they may use it to aid in avoiding obstacles in low light but they do not appear to use it for finding food.