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Q: How do bees see a yellow flower?
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Which colour flower do bees see better?

Yellow, sue to the flower having more pollen.

What color part of a flower attracts bees?


What color flower do bees not visit?

green, brown, yellow, 32

Which tall bright yellow flower attracts bees?

Sunflowers, among others.

When you see a yellow flower which color is reflected off the flower?


What colors can bees see best?

It is difficult to give a categorical answer to this because a bee's colour vision is different from ours. We see colours in the range from red to blue violet, but bees see orange yellow to ultra violet. Therefore bees can't see red. However, a red flower may not appear black to them because it may reflect ultra violet light which they can see.

Bees see flower patterns in what wavelength that humans cannot see?

Bees have ultraviolet vision that humans do not possess. This allows bees to see patterns in flowers for better identification.

What attracts bees to dandelions?

Bees can see UV light. (ultra violet light), that we, humans can't see. So, actually any flower attracts bees.

What attracts bees to dandelion flowers?

Bees can see UV light. (ultra violet light), that we, humans can't see. So, actually any flower attracts bees.

How can you see a yellow flower with a green stem?

you can see a flower. Look for a dandelion , they're everywhere .

What animal do bees not like?

i think yellow all i know they like yellow. don't listen to that other guy. red, apparently they can't see it. bee preference is usually formed by scent. think foul smelling flowers, their polinators are likely flies and beetles not bees. they also dislike avocado and custard apple flowers, something to do with the mineral content of the flower. as for the colour red, its true bees do not see red (they see it as black) but flowers have many marking invisable to the human eye aim at atracting bees.

Do bees pollinate one flower and then return to previous flower to pollinate?

No. Bees go from flower to flower randomly.