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Bird Spiders catch their prey like most other spiders by weaving a web made of sticky strands and waiting for prey to get caught in it. The bird spider, being the second largest spider in the world, also sometimes kills and eats tiny animals this way.

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Q: How do bird spiders catch their prey?
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What are spiders habitats?

Most Spiders will live in the web they have spun to catch their prey. Others will burrow under ground, and wait to ambush, or atack their prey.

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They hunt their prey, unlike most other spiders that trap their prey in webs.

Which spider spins a lasso to catch its prey?

Bolas spiders spin lassos to catch their prey. The spiders are related to orb weavers and instead of spinning a web, they spin a sticky line.

What is a spider's prey?

Most spiders hunt insects. Very large spiders sometimes catch tiny animals.

What is a example of adaptations?

Spiders are an example of adaptation. They construct webs to catch prey.

Do spiders live anywhere except webs?

yes, spiders can live in dens that they make in the ground to catch small prey such as mice,.

How do ticks and spiders survive the outside world?

spiders make webs to catch there prey and ticks are parasites the feed off there host.

Are cormorrants birds of prey?

Although they do feed on meat (ive seen once dive and catch a snake!) they do not however have the characteristics associated with birds of prey birds of prey catch prey with their Talons (claws) and tear off flesh with their hooked beaks. that is how you know whether or not a BIRD is a bird of prey or not.

Which spiders don't use webs to catch their prey?

Not all spiders spin webs to catch their food with. Among them are the wolf spider, trapdoor spider and the jumping spider.