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Q: How do black-tailed gazelles adapt in desert?
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What do gazelles eat when they live in the desert?

Gazelles are not found in the desert. They are found on the Savannah where grass is more plentiful and they have water holes to drink from.

Do deserts adapt?

Deserts do not adapt but organisms that live in the desert adapt.

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The desert is the environment. It does not adapt. Organisms in an ecosystem adapt to the environment.

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What countries do gazelles live in?

China, Africa, Mongolia, and others in the Sahara desert and grasslands

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They have to adapt to the heat of the desert and prey loss. If there food dies out they have to adapt to something else to eat

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The Groundhog.

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They die

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They have a shell

How does a wallaby adapt to desert life?

Wallabies do not live in the desert, and therefore do not need to adapt to desert life. Wallabies live primarily in scrub and open bushland, or in rocky, hilly areas.

Are blacktailed deer omnivores?

All deer are herbivores

How can animals in the desert live in the heat?

they adapt