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Q: How do blob fish get caught in fishing nets?
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What damage do fishing nets cause and how can you stop it?

Fishing nets don't really cause any damage, other than to the fish that are being caught.

What is the depth cod fish are caught?

They are caught in nets commercially and some will be caught in crab pots at sea, some are caught with a fishing pole.

What is the main threat to Dolphins?

the biggest threat dolphins are tuna nets that dolphins are gettting caught in fishing nets when catching fish such as tuna

How did the kalinagos fish?

The Kalinagos practised fishing/caught fish by shooting the fish that came to the surface with bows and arrows. They also used nets,traps and fishing lines with hooks made of shell.

Why are Dolphins endangerd?

they get caught in fishing nets and are covered by other fish and cant get up to breath so they die.

How did the kalinagos practised fishing?

The Kalinagos practised fishing/caught fish by shooting the fish that came to the surface with bows and arrows. They also used nets,traps and fishing lines with hooks made of shell.

Why were fishing nets important to colinists?

Colonists used nets to fish for fish to eat.

Why is catching fish with pole and line better for the dolphins?

Because they don't get caught up and killed in the mesh of large fishing nets

Why are fishing nets made? catch fish?

Why can't fish get out of fish nets?

because fishing nets are made of wool, flax and grass and they are weaved to small knots that the fish cant get out of them.

The prey of the blob fish?

The sad answer is humans. Due to over fishing the deep sea, we kill many of these unusual creatures. There are no more known predators. The Blob fish lives in the waters of Australia and Tasmania at great depths, almost 2,000 feet! These creatures are likely to become extinct with the way we are treating them.

What do boats use to catch fish?

A fishing pole, nets