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It doesn't affect it. Duh you shouldn't have to look it up online! Pay attention in school!

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Kyla Klocko

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: How do bright surface on earth affect what happens to incoming sunlight?
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How does ice affect incoming sunlight?

clean ice reflects sunlight back into space and prevents heat buidup on ice, dirty ice has the opposite affect

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Sunlight is absorbed by the surface of the desert and the surface is heated. The surface, in turn, heats the air above the desert.

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YES!Because the surface permeability for sunlight penetration is either thick or thin.

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Sunlight per se has little affect on the leaves in fall; hours of daylight do have an affect.

How do aerosol particles affect insolation?

They scatter sunlight, reducing the amount that reaches the surface as direct radiation (increasing the amount that reaches as diffuse).

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Does sunlight affect land and water differently?

sunlight affect land and water to due the heat.

What two things affect surface-zone temperatures in most regions?

Usually the heat from the sun and latitude and longitude

How does the angle at which sunlight strikes earth surface affect the intensity of the sunlight?

The more acute the angle at which the sunlight strikes, the more atmosphere that sunlight must pass through. Passing through more atmosphere will weaken and dim the light beams. As the angle at which sunlight hits the earth changes, the same amount of sunlight is spread over different areas, so that near the poles each area of surface receives less intense radiation than an equivalent area near the poles.

Does the type of container affect the evaporation?

Evaporation only happens at the surface. So a wider container that allows for a greater surface to be in contact with air, the faster the evaporation.

How does sunlight affect agriculture?

due to some ultraviolet rays from sunlight.