

How do bush babies move?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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13y ago

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They jump from tree to tree, just run, or just jump!!

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Related questions

What are some types of bush babies?

There are 3 general types of bush baby (or galago): greater bush babies, lesser bush babies, and needle-clawed bush babies.

What is the collective noun for bush babies?

The collective nouns for bush babies are:a congress of bush babiesa gathering of bush babiesa plot of bush babies

What is the collective noun for babies?

The collective nouns for bush babies are:a congress of bush babiesa gathering of bush babiesa plot of bush babies

What are bush babies?

Bush babies (or galagos) are found in forests and woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa.

Can bush babies live in Puerto Rico?

No but Bush babies live in the bush and tree areas of East Africa.

Are there bush babies in Greece?

No. Bush babies are native to the African continent. They are not found in Greece.

Do bush babies live in the foest?

Yes, bush babies live in the tropical forests of Africa.

Do bush babies live in the amazon rainforest?

Bush babies live in the bush and tree areas of East Africa.

How many babies can a bush dog have?

Depending on the species, bush babies (also known as galagos) have between 1 and 3 babies in each litter.

What do bush babies eat?

Mainly insects, some fruits and tree resins.dont you mean what DO bush babies eat?

Are bush babies mammals or birds?

Yes.yes theyre primates, which are mammals.

How many babies does a bush baby have at a time?

Bush babies have typically one or two offspring at a time, but sometimes three.