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Adult butterflies do not eat plants but live on fluid nutrients gathered from flowering plants. Different species of butterflies favor different flowers. The flowers they feed on can grow on plants, shrubs, vines or trees. It is the caterpillar (larval stage of butterfly life cycle) that eats various parts of plants where its larvae will hatch. Nowadays, keeping a butterfly garden is quite a hobby wherein one can grow nectar-rich flower plants, provide host plants in the garden for the adult butterfly to lay its eggs and nurture its consequent life cycle. At the end of it, that's a garden full of vibrantly colored butterflies you will have!

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1w ago

Butterflies use energy and nutrients primarily for flight, reproduction, and survival. They obtain energy from nectar-rich flowers, which provide sugars for flight, as well as other nutrients necessary for their development and reproduction. Butterflies also rely on amino acids and proteins from sources like rotting fruits, animal dung, and minerals in soil to support their growth and well-being.

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yes they do need energy