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Q: How do call someone who manipulates bones in spinal column?
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What is the name of the doctor who manipulates bones in spinal column?

A chiropractor can manipulate your bones in order to alleviate pain. A orthopedist also deals with bones, and all the structures within your body.

How many bones are there in a spinal column?

There are 7 bones that are formed at the top of the spinal column.

What bones protect the vertebrae?

spinal column

Contains 33 bones?

vertebrae in the spinal column

What bones make up spinal column?

Answer: Vertebrae

What are the small bones of the spinal column called?


What system is the vertebrae a part of?

the skeletal system. the spinal column is made up of bones that protect the spinal cord called vertebrae

What are irregular bones found in the spine?

The vertebrae are the bones that form the spinal column.

What is the name of the back bone?

Vetabrae are the building bones of the spinal column.

Is the spinal cord made out of bone?

The human spinal cord is protected by the bony spinal column. The spinal column is made up of bones called vertebrae. The spinal cord itself is made of neurons, similar to the brain itself.

What is Cervical Spinal Stenosis?

Cervical Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck. The spinal canal is an open area in the bones that make up the spinal column.

What is the difference between spinal column and vertebral column?

because during the growth of human beings the vertebral column outgrows the spinal chord. that's why we don't find the spinal cord starting from lower lumbar region where lumbar puncture is done.