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The chloroplast converts sunlight into molecules and energy the cell can use.

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Q: How do cells of plants get the nutriens they need from photosynthesis?
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WHY do cells do photosynthesis?

Plants need Carbon for living.Photosynthesis gives carbon for plants.

Why do cells need to do photosynthesis?

it is happening in plants. It is making carbohydrates for all creatures.

Why do plants cells have large vacuoles?

Because they need to store water to make photosynthesis.

Why do plants cells have choroplast and animal cell do not have them?

Plant cells have chloroplasts because they undergo photosynthesis, which is the process of converting sunlight into energy. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, which is necessary for capturing sunlight. Animal cells do not undergo photosynthesis; therefore, they do not need chloroplasts.

Plant cells use photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

True. Plants need photosynthesis for food production. Respiration is for energy production

Are chloroplast in animal cells?

no. Chloroplasts are only in plant cells. chloroplasts are what makes the plant green.

What cells are involve in photosynthesis?

the plant cell is responsible for photosynthesis

How do plant and animal cells help each other to survive?

Photosynthesis: Plants do the Photosynthesis, if they don't, they die. If the plants die, then herbivores will die out and the carnivores will go with them.Cellular Respiration:

Do plants cells or animal cells carry out cellular respiration?

Yes. Plants and animals need energy. Energy must therefore be made in the cells.No, only animal cells carry on cellular respiration.animal cells carryon cellular respiration. plant cells carry out photosynthesis which is the opposite of respiration.

Why do animals don't have to go through photosynthesis?

Because animals are able to go and get food from their surroundings unlike plants. Plants need photosynthesis because they aren't able to hunt food from around them or use their prey as food like us humans and animals.

Why do plant cell have chloroplast and animals do not?

Plants cells have chloroplasts because they need it for a process called photosynthesis. But both plant and animal cells have mitochondria. Animal cells can use the mitochondria to get energy that why they need chloroplast.

Why plants move towards sun?

Plants do not attract the Sun. Sunlight comes form the Sun and falls on the surface of the Earth as a matter of physics and this would happen if there were no plants.However, plants are attracted to (grow towards) light.