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The cells of the onion appeared to be crooked.

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Q: How do cells of the onion specimen appear under the microscope?
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Can you observe any chloroplast in the onion cell using microscope?

Yes, sometimes there will be green portions of the onion. If you look at those cells under the microscope, you will see chloroplasts.

What shape are onion cells?

Like a misshaped box. It is grey under a microscope.

What cell parts did you find in the onion cell but not in the cheek cells?

The onion cells are much more rectangle shaped, than the cheek cells and the nucleus in the onion cell is much more bigger and better seen in the microscope.

Are the nuclei invisible in the onion epidermal cells?

It can seen vaguely and invisible under the microscope

What specimen is used for plant cells?

Chloroplast is only in plant cells.So have to choose plant cells.

Why do you use the onion for cell sample and not the leaf?

An onion is easy to peel to 1 layer of cells, and with a light microscope you cant see the individual cells in a leaf. Also the cell obtained from the bulb of onion is colorless, hence it can be easly stained with different dyes to study the cell organells under the microscope.

How much are the onion cells magnified?

How much onion cells are magnified depends on what magnification setting a microscope is on. It is impossible to say how much they are magnified in a specific situation without more information.

What plant organelle is missing from the onion cell?

Because, it is very small. You will need a electron microscope to see it.

Why can we just see vacuole nucleus cell membrane and cell wall in onion cell under light microscope and not other organelles?

Onion epidermal cells occur mitosis (nuclear division) and cytokinesis(cell division). Interphase cell typically have one or more number of nuclei, so a few nuclei do not appear next to a cell wall.

Why can't the Golgi apparatus or mitochondria be found in an onion specimen?

This is because plant cells do not contain mitochondria or the Golgi apparatus.