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Each eat eachother

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Q: How do chaparral coyotes and ground squirrels depend on each other?
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Related questions

What predates squirrels?

Squirrels have plenty of predators and are often attacked by flying predators such as hawks and owls. On the ground, squirrels are hunted by foxes, coyotes, wildcats, weasels and snakes.

Do coyote eat ground squirrels?

Coyotes are quite opportunistic and will eat just about anything including groundhogs. Other animals they can eat include squirrels, rabbits, frogs, gophers, and snakes.

How does cutting down trees affect squirrels?

Tree-dwelling squirrels require trees to escape danger, to den, and for a source of food. Without them, they cannot survive. There are ground squirrels that don't depend on trees, but they are specially adapted for a ground-dwelling lifestyle.

How do coyotes and ground squirrels and plants interact in their environment?

Squirrels and Trees interact by a commutative relationship. This is when one animal or plant is helped and the other is not helped or harmed in this case, the squirrels live in the trees and the tree is not harmed.

Do coyotes eat pigs?

Coyotes do not typically eat porcupines if they are alive. This is because porcupines have spines that hurt coyotes if they are eaten.

What animals live in the woods?

deer, rabbits, bear, squirrels, raccoons, mice, turtles, fox, chipmunks, ground hogs, snakes, elk, opossums, skunks, birds, coyotes

Does squirrels eat caterpillar?

ground squirrels do

Where do squirrels live in Idaho?

Idaho Ground Squirrels live under rocks and logs.

Do praire dogs eat ground squirrels?

No prairie dogs do not eat ground squirrels.

Are ground tail ground squirrels endangered?


Do squirrels eat bitter cherry?

Ground squirrels or chipmunks do

What is the main difference between tree squirrels and ground squirrels?

probably that tree squirrels live in trees and have better climbing capabilities and ground squirrels build burrows and dig more.