

How do cheetahs stalk their prey?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Very carefully ... they hide in the tall grass.

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Q: How do cheetahs stalk their prey?
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Where do cheetahs stalk their prey?

Cheetahs live and stalk their prey on the grasslands of Africa and Asia.

How does a cheetah hunt an animal?

Cheetahs will first stalk its prey, then when its prey sees it and starts to run away, it gives chase. Once it is upon the fleeing animal it will grab a hold of its neck after batting it to the ground and suffocate it to death.

When do cheetahs prey?

once they are close to the prey.

What does a cheetah tattoo symbolize?

has a good and bad meaning,the good is that a cheetah is a fast beautiful creature.the bad is it is a carnivore that hunts and also will kill humans if it feels threatened.

What is happening to the cheetah's habitat?

The New York Yankees are cutting down all of the cheetahs savanah grass there fore, the cheetah has no where to stalk its prey! The Yankees suck!

How does self mimicry help a cheetah attract its prey?

Technically older cheetahs do not really have mimicry. It is the young cubs that do. They curl up like a honey badger so other animals won't prey on it. The older cheetah makes chirps, telling the cub to lay down and curl up so she can stalk her prey. So, to answer the question, cheetah cubs are the ones that have mimicry. Not the older cheetahs.

Do cheetahs prey on gorilla?

Cheetahs do prey on gorilla. They do not prey on gorilla often.

Does cheetahs live in savannah or desert?

Cheetahs generally don't live in deserts. There's not enough prey there. If there is prey, they might.

Is a cheetah diurnal or nocturnal?

Cheetahs are diurnal, unlike most cats, which are either nocturnal or are equally active during the day and the night.

Do cheetahs prey on cheetahs?

Yes, they would but would'nt because they are the same species.

What do the cheetahs do migrate or hibernate?

none but if their prey migrates they follow the prey

Where do lions find their prey?

they smell it and stalk it