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Q: How do chemical changes produce weathering?
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What are the chemical of weathering?

it harms the environment. temperature changes and climate changes occur because of chemical weathering.

How are machanical and chemical weathering different?

Mechanical weathering is a process which physically changes the appearance of a rock or structure. Chemical weathering is a process which changes the chemical composition of a rock or structure.

What kind of weathering is caused by changes in temperature?

The chemical weathering changes in diffrent temprture.

What types of weathering that does not cause chemical changes?

mechanical weathering

What produce chemical weathering?


What type of weathering is the process that breaks down rock through chemical changes?

Chemical Weathering

What is the principal difference between weathering and chemical weathering?

occures when the chemical comosition of the rock changes

What are the differences between physical and chemical weathering and say what type acid rain is?

1. Acid rains produce a chemical weathering.2. Chemical weathering involve chemical reactions.

What type of weathering actually changes the composition of rocks?

Chemical Weathering

What is a type of weathering that changes rock into one or more substances?

Chemical weathering

Weathering that does not cause chemical changes is called?

It is classified as physical or mechanical weathering.

Chemical Weathering?

In chemical weathering, rocks are broken down, and their composition changes. Chemical weathering is caused by water, oxidation, carbon dioxide, organisms, and acid rain.