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Your blood stream carries them.

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Q: How do chemicals come to your brain?
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How is the brain protected from chemicals?

The brain is not protected from chemicals that are ingested or absorbed through the skin.

How does your brain communicte with your body?

It makes chemicals. For example, chemicals from and to the brain and stomach help you to know when you are hungry/full.

What is the medical term meaning the protective mechanism that blocks chemicals from entering brain tissue?

The blood brain barrier blocks chemicals from entering brain tissue.

How many chemicals are present in the human brain?

No set answer. Depends on the individual. There are chemicals that appear in the brain naturally, and then there are chemicals (drugs, medicines, toxins, etc.) that are put into the bloodstream from outside sources.

What are the two most important chemicals in the brain?

The chemicals in your brain do not 'get there'. They are always with you from when your brain starts to form before you are born. Brain cells, however, die and are created millions of times in a week. Fascinating, isn't it?!

How do strong chemicals from cleaning products cause harm?

When huffing volatile chemicals, the gases quickly get absorbed in the blood stream through the nasal cavity to are taken directly to the brain. The brain is then deprived of oxygen, which causes dizziness. The chemicals then can cause permanent damage to the brain cells. Huffing chemicals kills more brain damage than any illegal drug out there.

What chemicals increase dopamine in the brain?


Where does chemicals come from?

Chemicals are natural or artificial.

If Lexapro alters the chemicals in the brain when you take it do the chemicals alter back when you stop taking it?

Your brain is like a main circuit board and medications are given to balance the two chemicals in the brain. The doctor will keep you on the medication for how ever long they feel it will take and when you are ready to come off it please work with your doctor and slowly wean yourself off them. I was on a SSRI and that's what I did and I was just fine. The medication helped balanced the chemicals in my brain and I did just fine after that. Cognitive Therapy and counseling along with this are a MUST and you learn good coping tools to deal with stress. Medications such as SSRIs or sedation's are simply a band-aid.

Which brain chemicals are mimicked by opioids?

Endorphins and Oxytocin

How do you separate metals?

you heat them and then you add chemicals by the brain

What are the brain chemicals responsible for feelings and responses to sensations?
