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Q: How do continental slope and continental shelf form?
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The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise to form the?

continental margin

The shelf edge is the boundary between the continental shelf and the?

continental slope

Does the gulf stream flow over the continental shelf or the continental slope?

continental shelf

How is the slope different from the continental shelf?

Continental shelf is an undersea extension of a continent. Continental slope connects the continental shelf to the abyssal plain.

What is the difference between the continental slope and the continental rise?

The continental shelf starts from the shore to a few miles out with less gradient of slope. The continental slope starts after shelf-break with a higher slope gradient, then follows the continental rise and abyssal-plain.

The continental shelf continental slope and continental rise combine to form the?

The continental shelf is basically an extension of a continent into an ocean. It is underwater during interglacial periods (such as today) but dry during glacial periods. The continental slope is the sloping area between the continental shelf and the continental rise (where the continental plate meets the oceanic plate). The continental shelf and the continental slope together are called the continental margin. The continental rise is located at the bottom of the continental slope and is formed by the accumulation of sediment from the continent. Past the continental rise lies the abyssal plain which is the flat ocean floor.

The continental slope is located at the end of the?

Continental shelf.

What can occur next to the continental shelf?

the continental slope

What is the slope of the continental shelf?


Which section of the ocean is closest to the shoreline?

contiental shelf \

What is the ocean zone that covers the continental shelf?

The zone of ocean under shelf and continental slope are continental.

Why is a continental shelf physical?

It is part of a continental plate that is submerged by the ocean. At the edge of the continental shelf, the slope suddenly increases and begins to drop off, this is called the continental slope.