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Q: How do contour feathers help a bird?
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Compare and contrast down feathers and contour feathers?

Contour feathers are long, strong, and smooth, while down feathers are soft and fluffy. Contour feathers give birds their coloring and shape and are used in flight. Down feathers provide a layer of insulation.

What does a contour feather do for a bird?

Definition: The outer layer of feathers that cover a bird's body, wings, and tail and give the bird its characteristic appearance. Contour feathers differ from other body feathers (such as down and semiplumes) in that they consist of two vanes along a shaft that have interlocking barbs that give strenght and structure to the feather shape

The majority of feathers on a bird's body are feathers?


What specific bird did contour feathers come from?

Contour feathers are found on every bird. They are not linked to any specific type of bird. Hope this answers your question! :)

Short fluffy feathers that trap a bird's body heat are called its what feathers?

contour feathers

What feathers assist a bird during flight and landing?


What feathers on a bird assist during flight and landing?


How do contour feathers help a bird fly?

i think it helps it fly by moving through the air and water smoothly. answer by : Rishi Patel

What feathers are located underneath contour feathers?

Contour feathers are on the wings and tail.

Where would you find a bird's contour feathers?

technicaly its Wings and Back PCH=Wing and Tail

How would the loss of feathers affect a bird?

It will not be able to fly with no feathers. Feathers keep a bird warm. If its feathers are gone it will die of cold. Most importantly feathers help a bird to escape from predators.

State four differences between contour and down feather?

In between contour feathers is a patch of bare skin called the apteria. Down feathers develop in the apteria preserving air trapped under the contour wings. Downy feathers are shaped of a incredibly unfastened structure that is flexible and helps trap air close to the bird.