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Q: How do convection currents help gliders to stay up in the sky?
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Related questions

Do gliders got engines?

Nope. they use a tow plane to get airborne and then ride the air currents to stay aloft.

How long do gliders stay up in the air?

That depends on the height of the release, the air currents, and the skill of the pilot in exploiting them.

How do glider use convection to stay flying?

Convection allows warmer air to rise because it is less dense than colder air. Because temperatures are greater near the ground (due to the ground's absorption of infrared radiation from the sun), the air at ground level tends to be warmer than the air at higher altitudes. Therefore, the air at ground level rises to form convection currents (currents of rising air), which, when impacting a glider's wings, generates lift, which allows them to remain in the air, or even rise to higher altitudes.

What do sugar gliders do in the day?

Sugar gliders sleep during the day. They do not JUST sleep however, but they most typically stay in their nesting spot during the day. When they are not sleeping there, they are usually grooming.

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How long do clouds stay in their form?

They don't stay in one form. They are constantly changing with the wind currents.

Do sugar gliders migrate or hibernate?

no, because they are from Australia so they dont have to, because they stay in all warm temputures.

How long can blad eagle fly?

Eagles are exceptional gliders. So, as long as a bald eagle has lift beneath his wings, he can stay aloft.

How does a plane fly with no engine?

A plane with no engine is a glider. They use the air currents to stay aloft.

How many hours can a vulture stay in the air?

They can stay air-born indefinitely - provided there are enough thermal air-currents to keep them aloft.

Is a sugar glider an aerial animal?

Although sugar gliders can glide, they tend to stay in trees where they shelter and feed. For this reason, they are known as arboreal animals, not aerial.

What can help you stay wake?

caffeine is a potent substance that can help you stay awake.