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Sneezing is actually caused by irritations in the nose, when you sneeze air goes very fast, normally getting rid of the irritation. These irritations can be caused by dust or other such things. Most dust or irritations don't get into your nose though, because of the tiny hairs that protect your inner nostrils.

Coughing is a involuntary thing, it is caused by the brain trying to clear the body's airways, people cough more these days, normally from the more pollution in the air, like cigarette smoke, car exhaust and other such things.

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11y ago

i am not sure right now, but maybe sneezing is just a way of the nose telling your body to get dust particles and such out of your nose because the little airs in your nose are supposed to protect it. and coughing no idea hope i helped! :)

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12y ago

Every time you sneeze, thousands of tiny droplets are blasted out of your mouth. If you have a cold, those droplets might spread the cold to other people.

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Q: How do coughing and sneezing protect your respiratory system?
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How do coughing and sneezing protect the respiratory system?


What 2 ways your respiratory system defends your body?

Coughing and sneezing.

In a healthy person how do sneezing and coughing protects the respiratory system?

They remove irritants and pollutants.

How does coughing protect the respiratory system?

It protects our Respiratory System because it helps to remove or exhale the dirt that entered in our body.

What other systems work with the respiratory systems?

The respiratory system works with the circulatory system, it also makes hormones, metabolic products, it is necessary for vocalizations, and for cooling as in panting. Also coughing and sneezing involve this system.

Is the common cold a disease of the respiratory system?

Coughing, sneezing, the sore throat and runny nose, are all symptoms affecting parts of the body that are involved in the process of breathing, hence, are part of the respiratory system.

Which reflexes in the respiratory system ensure that unwanted particles are removed from the respiratory system?


How are the digestive and respiratory systems interdependent?

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM is the process of respiration. The lungs is the main organ of the respiratory system because it receives oxygen and take out the carbon dioxide. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM is the process of digestion. The main organ is the stomach because this is where the digestion occurs.

Can fleas cause sneezing?

No, their respiratory system's completely different.

What two systems act together to cause sneezing?

The Respiratory System and the Nervous System!

How coughing protects the respiratory system?

It protects our Respiratory System because it helps to remove or exhale the dirt that entered in our body.

In which of these categories does a sneeze belong?

Sneezing is a reflex action caused by irritation in the nasal cavity. By sneezing you reduce the chance of ingesting dust particles and potentially dangerous microorganisms that have been breathed in. Because of this sneezing could be classed in the respiratory category.