

How do coyotes escape an attack?

Updated: 11/20/2022
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11y ago

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they use the alpha male as a distraction so the coyotes escape and the alpha male leads the predator on a wild goose chase

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What do coyotes attack?

coyotes attack people and other animal. but not a wolf

Do coyotes chase house cats?

Yes , coyotes are opportunistic predators and will attack any cat out of doors .

Why do coyotes run after humans?

because coyotes are man eating animals so usually they attack when they are near food.

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one is the speed of how fast a coyotes can run, to escape.

Do coyotes hurt everyone?

Not everyone but they do attack some people. It's usually because the coyotes are either hungry or territorial

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wolves and coyotes

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Yes, they will sometimes gang together to take livestock.

Would coyotes attack you?

yes they could if it was mad or anoyed.

What are a coyotes instincts?

Coyotes have instincts to run away most of the time. They are very timid animals in fact. Coyotes will scavenge for food, but if anything approaches they will most likely back off. Coyotes have instincts to attack if anything if very injured or harmed, If they are physically immobile that is.

How does a coyotes fast moving help them survive?

It helps them catch food and sometimes escape from predators that are hunting them.

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