

How do develop and developing countries different?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

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Developed countries produce large quantities of goods, services, and in general do a lot of manufacturing. Countries such as these use science to improve technology and generally have good health care and education for their people, as well as adequate food, clothing, and housing. Developing countries practice subsistence farming and often have a poor income, clothing, and housing. Very few people in developing countries receive proper health care or education, and life expectancy is relatively short. Most developing countries also lack the resources needed for economic growth.

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Mohammed Parisian

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14y ago

Developed countries produce large quantities of goods, services, and in general do a lot of manufacturing. Countries such as these use science to improve technology and generally have good health care and education for their people, as well as adequate food, clothing, and housing. Developing countries practice subsistence farming and often have a poor income, clothing, and housing. Very few people in developing countries receive proper health care or education, and life expectancy is relatively short. Most developing countries also lack the resources needed for economic growth.

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