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Q: How do development of PC has extended the use of computer in today's world?
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How the development of personal computer has extended the use of computer in todays world?

Computers have become part of our everyday lives in most of everthing that we use. For example our cars, our alarm clocks and there's many more to name. Some colleges use computers for online classes especially for the mothers that can't go to the campus like myself.

How the development of PCs has extended the use of computer at present age?

how the development of pc has extended the use of computerin today's world

How the development of PC has extended the use of computers in today's world?

how the development of pc has extended the use of computerin today's world

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the reason is that computer are fastest devise in the world & then information & computer are highly related.

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it is very popular in todays world. without it you cannot imagine the future anymore.

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Computer literacy vital to success in today's world for a number of reasons. The entire world is digitalized, and this makes it critical for everyone to have basic computer understanding.

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Nearly everyone in the world.nearly everyone but baby

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