

How do different colors adsorbs energy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Dark colors attract ligth and they absorb ligths energy that's why in summer black surfaces are hotter than white ones

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Q: How do different colors adsorbs energy?
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The system adsorbs energy from its surroundings?

An Endothermic change is the system that absorbs energy from its surroundings.

What do the different colors in a light spectrum represent?

Different energy radiations reflecting different energy level changes.

What is the difference between two different colors of light?

The frequency of the EM wave determines the amount of energy it contains. Therefore, different colors of light have different frequencies and amount of energy.

Are the colors of light that objects absorb the colors you see?

No, the colors you see are the colors that are reflected by the object. White light is composed of several different wavelengths of energy, these different energies correspond to different visible colors. When an object absorbs the light, it absorbs its energy, the rest of the energy is reflected from the surface. That energy is what you see in the form of photons (light). So, if an object looks blue to you, that object is absorbing red light.

Which tool would would help you measure how different colors absorb the energy in sunlight?

Iwant to know which tool would help me measure how different colors absorb the energy in sunlight ?

Do different types of dark and light colors reduce your energy bill?

Depends on which your talking about , heating or cooling energy bill.

Why do different compounds have different colors in visible emissions?

different compounds give different emission colors because of the energy level of there electrons when they form. all visible emissions are directly related to the energy levels of the electron. the more energy an electron gives of in the forming of the compound the more visible the emission will be. the lowest being red and the highest being violet.

How does the arrangement of electron configuration creates different wavelengths?

It determines the different energy levels. When excited electrons drop back to normal level, energy is released as light photons. Different colors for different frenquencies.

Why do different colors absorb different amounts of heat energy?

when a substance appears of a particular color, it is actually absorbing all the wave lengths of the light spectrum falling on it and reflecting only one wave length peculiar to that color. So, different colors absorb different wave lengths and hence, different amounts of heat energy.

Why different materials have different colors?

Because every material has unique allowed energy levels, the electromagnetic radiation emitted from them, which is equal to the energy of the higher excited state minus the energy of the lower excited state (or ground state) are also going to be unique. Since color is based on an electromagnetic wave's frequency, which in turn is proportional to energy, these unique waves give unique colors.

What are the meanings of color?

The aura of a person is the energy they are emitting. So, it's kind of like their attitude or, for example, whether their energy is positive or negative. Different colors mean different things. But basically it's like their feelings or emotions, their energy.

Why do you are there different colors emitted?

There different colors emitted