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Q: How do different materials respond to heat?
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Does the type of cloth used affect how much heat it holds?

Yes. Different cloths are made of different materials - and different materials have different heat capacities and thermal conductivities.

How does heat flow through different materials?

when the the heat hits the materials it vibrates the particles which send energy threw that vibrates the particles and heats it up

Why do different materials heat up at different rate?

usually metals or conductors get the heat energy from the heat. the heat transfer the particles in the conductors which causes it to heat up in a faster rate to get it hot.

Does matter conduct heat energy?

Ye, but this characteristic is extremely different between materials.

How does heat travel by conduction through different materials?

By speeding up adjacent molicules.

Why do some metals conduct heat better than others?

The ability for a metal to conduct heat depends on how the atoms are aligned. Different materials have different bond structures.

Does the same temperature change take place when equal masses of different materials absorb heat?


Why does a bathroom rug feel warmer than a tile?

This is because heat capacity different materials warm up at different rates.

How do penguins respond to heat?

They will die!

Are there any comforters that are designed to respond to body heat and help cool/heat the skin?

There is no comforter that can respond to body heat and adjust automatically,there are several electric options.

Why is there a difference in time taken for different materials to cool down after being put into a beaker of hot water?

specific heat capacity is the amount of energy you have to put into a substance to raise a kg of it by 1 degree C or K. because the specific heat capacity is different for different materials, and because the flow of heat out of materials into the water is related to the temperature differencebetween the water and the objects, assuming objects placed in water have same initial temp, the objects with the higher specific heat capacities will cool less quickly.

Which appear to be more numerous receptors that respond to cold or heat?
