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A bone scan can show if a bone is healthy or if it is losing strength and density by becoming porous.

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With a scan done by X-Ray.

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Q: How do you determine the heath of a bone?
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Bone marrow. Resource the human body in Heath and illness 4th edition.

Can a bone marrow biopsy determine if you are compatible for a bone marrow transplant?

A blood test is usually sufficient but a biopsy would determine that as well.

Why are milk and other dairy products important for bone heath?

Because the calceiam in the milk helps youre bones stay strong so you dont get brital bone desease

How do x-rays work to determine if a bone is broken?

X-Rays don't determine whether a bone is broken. They just make fuzzy shadow pictures of what is under your skin. Unless its a really obvious fracture, it takes the trained eye of a radiologist looking at the pictures to determine whether the bone is broken or not.

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As a person ages will they feel bone pain?

You will start to have bone pain as you age, but there are ways to alleviate and even prevent it. Exercise is an important way to keep your bones in good heath. Also, getting enough calcium will help prevent osteoporosis, another cause of bone pain.

How can you tell how a triceratops moves from the bone when he exicted?

In any well preserved fossil bone, a paleontologist can determine how the bones fit together. By known how they fit together, he can determine in which directions the bone would have been able to move. In addition, bumps on the bone show where muscles attached to the bone and how big and strong the muscles were. By carefully studying these clues, paleontologists can get a very good idea of how an extinct animal moved when it was alive.

The factor that determine where bone matrix is to be remodeled is?

stresses of gravity and muscle pull on the skeleton

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To determine the overall heath of a group of companies as opposed to only one company.

What bones are used to determine height on a skeleton?

Femur (the longest bone in the body)

How can bone remodeling determine age?

Bone remodeling can provide information about someone's age through the process of continuous bone turnover. As people age, their bones undergo remodeling, where old bone is broken down and new bone is formed. By studying the rate of bone remodeling and the balance between bone formation and resorption, researchers can infer an individual's age. Additionally, changes in bone density, structure, and composition can also indicate age-related bone remodeling patterns.

What does the weight and density of a persons bone structure determine?

The weight and density of a persons bone structure determines the body frame.