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They can act in a number of ways, both presynaptically and postsynaptically. They can affect how vescicles release neurotransmitters, how neurotransmitters are cleaved/reuptake, they can block receptors, destroy receptors, agonistically bind to receptors which mimics the neurotransmitter. These are a few.

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Q: How do drugs affect the process of synaptic transmission?
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Gamma-aminobutyric acid is also known as GABA. It appears to decrease synaptic transmission and is actually used in drugs called GABAergic drugs or GABA analogues. These drugs are used as hypnotics, anticonvulsants, tranquillizers and sedatives.

What is the effect of excitatory psychoactive drugs on the brain?

Excitatory psychoactive drugs such as nicotine and cocaine primarily affect the central nervous system. They increase post-synaptic transmissions and may result in addictions and substance abuse. These stimulants increase the alertness of the user by mimicking the action of neurotransmitters or delaying the breakdown of neurotransmitters. They can also affect the transmission of optical signals in the thalamus of the brain.

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How do psychoactive drugs affect the brain?

Psychoactive drugs can increase or decrease transmissions to post-synaptic membranes. Excitatory drugs can mimic the action of neurotransmitters or delay the breakdown of neurotransmitters. On the other hand, inhibitory drugs can hyper-polarize the post-synaptic membrane or reduce the effect of excitatory neurotransmitters.

What is the relationship between drugs and the transmission of neurotransmitters?

The relationship between drugs an the transmission of neurotransmitters is that the drugs can interfere with the work of the neurotransmitters.

What is a process whereby one neuron communicates with another neuron?

When nerve impulses are triggered near the soma/cell body, an electrical current known as the ACTION POTENTIAL sweeps through the axon and into the axon terminal. When the action potential reaches the tips of the axon terminal, it causes the synaptic vesicles to move towards the membrane of the terminal buttons. The buttons then open up and release the neurotransmitters (drugs.) The neurotransmitter molecules cross over the synaptic gap and attach themselves unto the receptor sites of the other neuron. After accomplishing their work on the receptor sites, some of the neurotransmitter molecules are broken down into other chemicals in a process called Degradation. The rest of the neurotransmitter molecules are taken up by the vesicles for reuse in a process called Reuptake.

I need to know effects of psychoactive drugs and neurotoxnins on synaptic system?

I would like to know the effects of antipsycotic drugs on a patient 87yrs old who suffers from dementia.

How drugs affect friends?

They try to mooch your drugs.

What is the difference between inotropic and chronotropic drugs?

Inotropic drugs affect the force of contraction. Chronotropic affect the rate of contraction.

What drugs affect sport performance?

ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.

What drugs affect your life?

only the re-creational drugs affect your life. meaning the bad ones. good drugs such as medicines, help you when your sick.

How does drugs affect your sport?

Drugs slower the nervous system.