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The rotting of the teeth would be a good predictor of what might be going on at the skeletal level however, the cocaine sitting in the saliva and constantly eating at your enamel is most to blame for that.

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Q: How do drugs affect your bones?
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How drugs affect friends?

They try to mooch your drugs.

What is the difference between inotropic and chronotropic drugs?

Inotropic drugs affect the force of contraction. Chronotropic affect the rate of contraction.

What drugs affect sport performance?

ALL DRUGS will affect your performance in some sort of way.

What drugs affect your life?

only the re-creational drugs affect your life. meaning the bad ones. good drugs such as medicines, help you when your sick.

How does drugs affect your sport?

Drugs slower the nervous system.

What are bone disorder drugs?

Bone disorder drugs are medicines used to treat diseases that weaken the bones.

How do illegal drugs affect the skin?

you can take from drugs skin cancer

How drugs can affect a family?

They could die. And affect everyone.

Do chemotherapy drugs affect neurons?

some of the drugs can cross blood-brain barrier, so it can affect neurons too.

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Does eyesight affect balance?

no. but ear bones and liquid does. no. but ear bones and liquid does.