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Q: How do dwarf hair grass plants grow?
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What plants would look good with dwarf conifers?

Hair plants

What are the vegetation plants of icecap called?

there is hair grass, peralwort, lichens, moss, and fungi in the icecaps of Antarctica. there is only 2% that has these things.

Why do you always have to cut your hair fingernails and the grass?

The commonality between your hair and nails, and yard grass, is they all continually grow.

What is the only grass to grow on Antarctica?

Deschampsia antarctica (Antarctic hair grass) grows in Antartica.

Do plants grow in hair gel?

Probably not as plants require specific nutrients that are not present in hair gel.

What are the flowering plants of the arctic tundra?

Antarctic pearlwort and Antarctic hair grass

Name something you think people let grow way to long?

Hair, nails, grass,

Does Antarctica have a grassland?

No. It's too cold for grass to grow in Antarctica with the exception of a few tufts that grow on the West side of the Antarctic Peninsula. Officially, it's called Antarctic hair grass, Deschampsia antarctica.

Where could you find flowering plants?

You can find flowering plants on every continent. There are two growing in Antarctica (Antarctic hair grass and Antarctic pearlwort.

What is a grass head?

A grass head is educational, easy to grow and great fun for children and adults. It is just a sawdust man with grass seeds at the top, which you water regularly and it grows long green grass as hair. It can be made by filling the top of a stocking with soil and grass seeds, and warring it as needed. You can give it a trim and style its hair.

How does your hair grow back after it's cut?

Imagine your hair is like grass. You mow the lawn and after a while it grows back up from the ground. Hair grows from the scalp and when you cut it you are cutting off old hair. Hair grows an inch a month.

Plants grow faster with human hair but do we still use water for the plant?

Yes, you will still need water for the plant; the hair does not provide water.