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Salt in water solution or melted salt are electrical conductors because they contain ions Na+ and Cl-.

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Q: How do electrons help the salt be a better conductor of electricity?
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Will a copper coin conduct electricity?

Each copper atom has lost one electron and become a positive ion. ... The electrons can move freely through the metal. For this reason, they are known as free electrons. They are also known as conduction electrons, because they help copper to be a good conductor of heat and electricity. Therefore, copper is an outstanding material to use for conducting electricity! Hope it helped :)

What is the electrate?

Electricity is the flow of electrons from one atom to the next.

What is the difference between a conductor and a resistor?

A conductor is a material that conducts electricity through it. Resistors main job is to oppose the flow of electrons through a conducting material. Resistivity can be understood in detail with the help of Ohm's Law.

What is a different meaning for conductor?

A conductor can be someone who collects fares on a bus. A conductor can be someone who guides an orchestra. A conductor can help allow the flow of electricity.

Is dry soap a conductor of electricity?

This solution is not a good conductor.

Why does damp soil help the excess electrons move?

Because pure water is a poor conductor.

How do electrons help graphite conduct electricity?

Electrons move free in the planar, layered structure (graphene) of graphite.

How do magnets help create electricity?

If a conductor - such as a wire - moves through a magnetic field, a voltage is produced in the conductor. This may cause a current (if the wire is connected to an external circuit). This effect is used in generators to generate electricity.

Why good electrical conductors and insulators complement each other?

The diffrerence between a good condutor and a bad conductor is that a good conductor it go through electricity but a insulator would not attract electricity .This will help to prevent electricuted.

How does the structure of metal allow it to carry an electricle current?

the same way as it conducts heat. Through free electrons. the structure of an atom works like this. there is a nucleus in the middle with shells around the outside. the most inner shell can hold two electrons whilst all the others hold eight. if, like copper, an atom has its most outer shell with only one shell away from another full shell. then it will have a maximum number of free electrons. and so the more free electrons (max. of seven) the better the conductor of everything. thank you.

Is soda a good conductor of electricity?

Because soda compounds (a name for several chemicals containing sodium) fall apart into ions when dissolved in water and ions help conduct electricity.

Why is a metal found on the left side of the periodic table likely to conduct electricity?

Metals lose electrons to form cations. These ions help in conducting electricity.