

How do elements share electrons?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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11y ago

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Well in chemical bonds between two atoms there are single (2 electrons shared), double (4 electrons shared) triple 6 electrons shared and quadruple bonds (8 electrons) shared.

Where electrons are delocalised across more than 2 atoms, then many electrons can be shared- the ultimate is a metal where in a solid sample of a metallic element all of the valence electrons of each atom are shared so that number is very large.

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3w ago

Elements share electrons by forming chemical bonds. In covalent bonding, atoms share pairs of electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration. This allows elements to fill their outer electron shells and form molecules.

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11y ago

the one with the more element loss one so that the outer level can be equal


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What group share electrons and form covalent compounds with other elements?

Nonmetals typically share electrons to form covalent compounds with other elements. Covalent compounds are formed when two nonmetal atoms share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of electrons. This sharing of electrons results in the formation of a molecule.

When elements react they transfer or share?

When elements react, they can transfer or share electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration. This process allows them to form chemical bonds with other elements and create compounds. Transferring electrons results in ionic bonds, while sharing electrons leads to covalent bonds.

What shows an element's combining ability?

An element's combining ability is determined by its valence electrons, which are the electrons in the outermost energy level. Elements with few valence electrons tend to lose or share electrons in chemical reactions, while elements with many valence electrons tend to gain or share electrons. This behavior allows elements to form chemical bonds and combine with other elements to achieve a more stable electron configuration.

Why do elements share electrons in covalent bonds?

Elements share electrons in covalent bonds because each element wants to achieve a stable electron configuration similar to that of the noble gases. By sharing electrons, both elements can fill their outermost energy levels and become more stable, leading to a lower overall energy state for the system.

Why do elements in group 18 rarely react with other elements?

Elements in Group 18 already have an octet of electrons, which is a full outer shell of 8 electrons. An octet of electrons makes the element stable, so it does not need to react with any other elements to gain or lose electrons.

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What group share electrons and form covalent compounds with other elements?

Nonmetals typically share electrons to form covalent compounds with other elements. Covalent compounds are formed when two nonmetal atoms share electrons to achieve a full outer shell of electrons. This sharing of electrons results in the formation of a molecule.

What type of bond form when elements share electrons?

covalent bonds

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Family of elements that gain of share three electrons when they react?


When atoms of different elements share electrons they form?

A covalent bond.

What type of bonds are formed when elements share electrons?

covalent bonds

Why is it easier for group 14 elements in the periodic table to become stable instead of transferring electrons?

Group-14 elements do not transfer electrons. They share electrons to form covalent bonds.

Do a family of elements share the same number of valence electrons?

Yes they do. Groups/Families tell the number of valence electrons (the number of electrons in the outermost energy level).

What is shared when elements bond covalently?

When elements form covalent bonds, they share electrons with each other. In covalent bonding none of the atoms gains or looses the electrons but share the electrons among them and hence both try to achieve stable electronic configuration.

How do elements turn into a compound?

Elements combine through chemical reactions to form compounds. This can involve elements sharing or transferring electrons to achieve a stable configuration. The resulting compound has its own unique set of properties distinct from its constituent elements.