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by not selling at all but by solving the customer's problems.

I was the #1 sales rated person in the US in 1975

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Q: How do entrepreneurs succeed in selling products?
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What are the characteristics of the entrepreneurs?

A burning desire to succeed.

For which of the following reasons does snob-appeal advertising succeed in selling products?

Snob-appeal advertising succeeds by creating a sense of exclusivity and status among consumers, motivating them to purchase products to elevate their social standing. It plays on people's desire for luxury and prestige, leading them to believe that owning the product will make them part of an elite group. Additionally, it can tap into consumers' need for validation and recognition from others, compelling them to buy in order to feel superior to those around them.

Why do snob appeal advertising succeed in selling products?

Everyone wants to appear sophisticated, urbane, experienced, wealthy etc.

What do entrepreneurs earn?

Entrepreneurs earn money by selling goods and services to businesses and consumers. The fewer costs they have the more money they make.

Why does the economy need entrepreneurs?

We need entrepreneurs because they innovate, provide products and services, and create jobs.

What role do entrepreneurs play in producing goods and services?

Entrepreneurs are innovators. They come up with new ideas for products or services.

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Freedom rewards those who exercise it wisely. Some entrepreneurs succeed, and some fail.

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By Selling Products By Selling Products

Who are the people who start new businesses and introduce new products?



individuals who start new businesses, introduce new products, and improve management techniques (risked investing their own money in new industries

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Will you cure aging?

I will try as hard a I can, as long as I can. If we all work together on it (biologists, investors, entrepreneurs, policy makers) we probably will succeed. Join us!