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Q: How do extinctions or new species affect species richness?
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Why does extinctions of one species or development of a new one often affects many others?

because of the interdependence of living things The extinction of one species or development of a new one often affect many others because of their interdependence in an ecosystem.

How does mass extinction affect surviving species?

Extreme radiation events of the organisms that survive the mass extinctions as they evolve to occupy the niches abandoned by the organisms going extinct.

What affect tectonics have on evolution of new species?

what affect tectonics have on evolution of new spiecies

What effects have mass extinctions had on history life?

Mass extinctions have the effect of eliminating a large number of species, which leaves a wide variety of niches open to new species. Whichever species survive the mass extinction quickly evolve into many new forms to fill the empty niches. The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event left niches open to the dinosaurs, and the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction eliminated dinosaurs, leaving niches open to mammals.

How does variability within a species affect its survival?

The introduction of a new predator, the spread of a new disease, the introduction of a toxic substance, or the elimination of a food source are all examples of environmental changes that could affect the survival of a species.

How can a new species with no predator affect other populations of species?

Their population could grow much faster, and they could compete with other species for food.

Why does extinction of one species or development of a new one affect many others?

because of the interdependence of living things The extinction of one species or development of a new one often affect many others because of their interdependence in an ecosystem.

How would the introduction of a predator species affect the stability of an ecosystem?

The introduction of a new predator can have the species eaten with no time to evolve to defend against it

What new species affect the food chain?

Any new species being introduced into an area will affect the food chain in one way or another. More often than not, especially if the introduction was deliberate, while the new species may be of great help in keeping a pest species under control, it will hurt other species within the food chain because of competition for food, predation that was not present previously, or any number of other factors.

How does plate tectonics affect development of new species?

The movement of plate tectonics greatly affects the development of new species. With movement, species can become isolated to specific areas and must adapt to the new/changed environment. Also, depending upon the event (volcano/earthquake) the climate will be affected which requires further adaptation of species.

Why has there been a burst of evolution after each of the great mass extinctions?

After a mass extinction, there are many open niches. The surviving organisms quickly begin to take advantage of the open niches. As they do, they evolve into new forms, better adapted to these new, separate niches. Hence, many new species quickly evolve and fill the void.

Why do adaptive radiations often occur after mass extinctions?

After a mass extinction event many niches are left empty. New species eventually evolve and fill the niches where competition would otherwise have prevented such evolution.