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Family socialization refers to the process of learning and internalizing values, norms, and beliefs within one's family unit, while peer group socialization involves the influence of friends and peers on an individual's behavior, attitudes, and beliefs. Family socialization typically occurs from a young age and involves close and long-term relationships, whereas peer group socialization becomes more prominent during adolescence and involves influence from individuals of similar age and social status. Family socialization tends to focus on imparting foundational values and beliefs, while peer group socialization may lead to the adoption of trends, behaviors, and attitudes from the peer group.

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Q: How do family and peer group socialization differ?
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What are the major agents of socialization in the US What are some specific contributions to human development made by family school peer group and mass media Can these agents of social?

The major agents of socialization in the US are family, school, peer group, and mass media. Family provides primary socialization, teaching values and norms. School contributes to cognitive development and social skills. Peer groups help in identity formation and belonging. Mass media influences attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. These agents can significantly shape an individual's development and socialization process.

Where does second socialization take place?

Second socialization typically takes place within institutions such as school, workplace, or peer groups. It involves learning the norms, values, and behaviors associated with a particular social group, beyond what individuals learn in their family or primary socialization.

What are some specific socialization agents contributions to human development made by family school peer group and mass media?

Family contributes to socialization by teaching values and beliefs, providing emotional support, and establishing behavioral norms. Schools promote socialization through formal education, social interactions, and teaching social skills. Peer groups help individuals learn group dynamics, peer pressure, and develop social identities. Mass media exposes individuals to different cultures, values, and societal norms, shaping their perspectives and attitudes.

What ia not a following in policitcal socialization?

One factor that is not typically considered in political socialization is genetic predispositions or hereditary traits. Political socialization focuses on the influence of family, education, media, and peer groups in shaping an individual's political beliefs and behaviors. Genetic factors are not commonly included in this framework.

In what way do peer groups play an important role as agent of socialization for children?

Peer groups help children develop social skills, learn to cooperate, and form relationships outside the family. They provide opportunities for children to learn how to navigate conflicts, communicate effectively, and develop a sense of identity within a larger social context. Peer groups also expose children to diverse perspectives and experiences, contributing to their social and emotional development.

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6 agents of socialization?

Family: Most influential in shaping beliefs, values, and behaviors. School: Provides formal education and teaches societal norms. Peers: Influence social skills, attitudes, and behavior outside of family. Media: Shapes opinions and values through exposure to various forms of communication. Religion: Impacts moral beliefs and values through teachings and rituals. Government: Establishes laws and regulations that influence societal behavior and expectations.

How peer act as agent of socialization?

A peer group that have various things in common including age, social positions, or interests have an influence of the socialization of the members of the group. They can act as an agent of socialization by teaching gender roles supporting each other, and providing a different perspective.

In what way do peer groups play an important role as agent of socialization for children?

Peer groups help children develop social skills, learn to cooperate, and form relationships outside the family. They provide opportunities for children to learn how to navigate conflicts, communicate effectively, and develop a sense of identity within a larger social context. Peer groups also expose children to diverse perspectives and experiences, contributing to their social and emotional development.

How does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs relate to the agents of socialization?

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs focuses on individual needs and motivations, while agents of socialization are the social forces that influence an individual's socialization process. Agents of socialization help individuals navigate through different stages of Maslow's hierarchy by providing support and opportunities for growth at each level. For example, family and education (agents of socialization) help fulfill the basic physiological and safety needs, allowing individuals to progress towards higher needs like belongingness and self-esteem.

What are the primary factors in political socialization?

The primary factors in political socialization are family influences, education, peers, media, and personal experiences. These elements shape an individual's political identity, beliefs, and behaviors from a young age.

What is the most important function of a child's peer group?

I think it teaches about the world outside the family

What are the components of social control?

The components of the Social Control Theory are the family, the school, and the peer group.

Agencies of socialization?

Agencies of socialization are institutions or groups within society that shape an individual's social behavior and beliefs. Examples include family, education system, peers, mass media, and religious institutions. These agencies help individuals learn social norms, values, and behaviors necessary for functioning in society.

What are the basic agents of socialization?

The basic agents of socialization include family, school, peers, media, and religion. These agents play a crucial role in shaping an individual's attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and overall social development.

What are the components of social control theory?

Social control theory posits that individuals are motivated to conform to societal norms through social bonds, which consist of attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. Attachment refers to the emotional connections individuals have to others, commitment reflects the investment in conventional society, involvement pertains to participation in legitimate activities, and belief relates to shared values and moral beliefs. These components collectively influence an individual's likelihood of engaging in deviant behavior.

Advantages and disadvantages of peer group interaction?

merit and demerit of peer group

When people model themselves after the members of peer groups they would like to join the are engaging in?

When people model themselves after members of peer groups they would like to join, they are engaging in social modeling or mimicry. This behavior helps individuals fit in with the group and gain acceptance. It can also serve as a form of self-improvement by adopting desired traits or behaviors.