

How do female cats defend territory?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They don't ! Defending territory is left to the males. The more a male defends his territory - the more likely he will be to sire kittens.

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Q: How do female cats defend territory?
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They usually pee with their tail up. Female cats can also spray to mark territory as males do.

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Yes cats have an alpha structure. Depending on weather the cat is female or male and if the female cat is sprayed and the male is neutered. Making the female have a larger territory when it coming from the kittens.

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Strictly from a population standpoint it still makes a difference. Most cats maintain a territory, they can overlap but they will defend the area they live in. If a male is defending a territory and is unfixed he will try to impregnate every available female. If he is fixed he will still run off other males but be unable to mate.

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yes it's a territory thing!Another AnswerHow much a cat urinates depends on what it is fed, and how much water it drinks. Gender has no factor.An intact (not neutered) male cat will spray as many surfaces as possible to mark out territory and to attract a female. Unspayed female cats do this also to some extent. Neutered cats, female or male, do not urinate more than the other.

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For female cats what is in that spray they spray?

A female cat, just like a male cat, can and will spray when on heat, or feel their territory is being threatened. They spray very strong-smelling urine to communicate with other cats in the area.

Is getting a male kitten OK if you already have an adult female cat?

It depends on if your female cat is sterilized or not. Also, keep in mind that male cats spray or mark their territory and are more likely to do so in a home with multiple cats.

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Two of them is being solitary it helps the male eliminate the competition for the female. And being aggressive so they can defend their territory. i hope this was help(:

Do cats leave feces to mark their territory?

No, male cats spray urine to mark territory.