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How Fish Get Into New PondsThere are birds such as cranes that fly from one pond to another. They could carry fish eggs on their feet and legs, or beak. This way new ponds get fish without being stocked. Also, if there is a ditch coming from another pond or creek the fish can travel this way.

Here are more opinions and answers from other FAQ Farmers:

  • Flooding, that temporarily connects one or more bodies of water.
  • Walking, some fish, like the walking catfish, and the northern snake head can travel short distances on land. During unusually wet seasons bodies of water may be fairly close, allowing them to "walk" over.
  • Man, since man came on the earth, we have done the majority of stocking of landlocked ponds and lakes.
  • Weather - rain and storm clouds - occasionally fish eggs will be drawn up and carried along by clouds, where they mature and it rains fish.
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2mo ago

Frogs can move from pond to pond by hopping or walking over land. Some species may also be carried by birds, animals, or humans. Frogs have a strong homing instinct and can detect suitable habitats for breeding through environmental cues.

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14y ago

They hop.

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Q: How do frogs get into new ponds?
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Where are frogs?

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Where do frogs live in a pond?

Frogs live in the weeds and reeds at the edge of ponds.

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in ponds in Africa

Where will frogs they get their food?

The live in ponds where there are bugs and they can eat them.

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Bass and bluegill do well in ponds.

Where do you find frogs?

You find frogs and toads at Wetland areas. Such as in ponds, under moist logs, and at creeks.

Are frogs good for ponds?

Yes. most frogs are very good for ponds. if you are looking to have one as a pet, there is no guarantee that it will stay there tho... all frogs eat mozzies, so you wont get bitten as much. If you lit the pond up, the mozzies will come near and frogs will eat them.