

What is the major role of fungi?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Fungi lived on Mars for somewhere around five billion years ago and descended to earth with in the first few years that time was recorded as AD, and boosted human and animal lifespans .and will continue to do this more powerfully as the millennia go by.

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8y ago
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12y ago


Fungi play an important role as decomposers on Earth.In addition, many fungi provide foods for people.Some cause disease and some fight disease.Still other fungi live in symbiosis with other organisms.

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11y ago

great question..cause i have a mycology (study of fungi) exam on wednesday....

Fungi have 3 main roles in the environment:

1) decomposition - fungi are able to break down almost anything - furthermore they can pair with algae to make lichens - which grow almost anywhere - lichens are also an important indicator of environmental pollution

2) mycorrhizal partners - fungi are mycorrhizal partners in trees and plants. Root hairs in trees and plants are often not fine enough to absorb nutrients from the soil by themselves. Mycorrhizal fungi often form a symbiotic partnership with plants and trees - fungi provide thin hyphae (unicellular root like structures) that can absorb water and nutrients from the soil more efficiently than root hairs. The trees and plants in turn provide food (complex amino acids etc) for the fungi - things that they would normally not be able to obtain. It is proposed that 90% of all the species of trees and plants are dependent on mycorrhizae. There are 2 types of mycorrhizae - endotrophic and ectotrophic - but thats for another topic of discussion.

3) fungi are also parasites - they live on trees in forests. This is why you find many mushrooms in forests. Basidiomycetes (the class of true mushrooms) are excellent decomposers.

4) Fungi are also an important source of food: ex beer. Yeast are a type of fungi (sacchromycetes pombe) we would all ceace to exist without beer. Yeast also makes bread. Fungi (mould) is also responsible for making cheese - ex:blue cheese - yum.

Negative aspects of fungi?

- rotting - a specific type of rotting is the dry rot - which basically sucks everything out of the material it is rotting till its like a fine white powder. rotting is bad for buildings and such. Also fungi spores (fungi reproduces by spores either asexually or sexually) can be inhaled and could possibly be a problem for people susceptible to Asthma.

Some fungi are poisonous - ex: the death cap mushroom - aminita. Amanita toxins are the most lethal in the world shutting down RNA synthesis in the body. Other mushrooms such as the false morrel - pose as good mushrooms (morrels you can eat) but are full of deadly poisons.

In conclusion, fungi have many many positive roles and a few notable negative roles.

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12y ago
  1. source of food
  2. recycle nutrients
  3. symbiotic with certain organisms as in lichens.
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14y ago

They taste good and you can slip the poisonous ones into dumb people's dinner.

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14y ago

Fungus's role is to break down dead decaying organisms in the environment.

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13y ago

to put it simply its to decompose all the dead and decaying things on the ground like leaves, dead grass, ect.

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12y ago

It helps dead plants or animals to decompose ! :)

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14y ago

to decompose organic materials

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