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Q: How do geographic factors affect where people liv ein Asia which geogrphic factors encourage growth and which discourage human settlement?
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The geographic grid is used to identify the location of a country or a continent by some type of measurement, usually expressed in degrees of latitude and longitude.

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Various geographic features are often used by the people near them as a source of identity for their communities. The people in these communities use regionalism to strengthen and benefit their respective communities.

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The value of National Geographic magazines from 1959 to 1969 varies depending on the condition of the magazines. Some of these collections can sell for 30 dollars while some are as much as 150 dollars.

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Italy is a country in southern Europe and in the Mediterranean Sea.

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An example of Disney movie that has to do with urbanization is the Earth movie.

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Majority of appalooosa horses are found across North America, from probably some parts of Mexico all the way up to Canada.

Market segmentation for chocolate milk?

basically is the target of the market u try to reach.. for example chocolate.. geogrphic: the area u will be demographic:the kind of people u r focus phsycologic: the thoughts of this people

Can water become water vapour in zero gravity?

no. . water changes into vapours only when heated untll the molecules tend to leave the surface of water whereas at zero gravity water will fly upwards instead of falling down like other things does. i have seen it in national geogrphic channel. . . :)