

How do giant pandas get the food they need to survive?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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from their surroundings..where ever their habitat is

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Q: How do giant pandas get the food they need to survive?
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Why do giant pandas survive in spring?

they need food and water. they survive on bamboo most ofthetime but they also eat honey and fish and insect and meat. there diet is 99% bamboo.

What Do Giant Pandas Specific Need To Survive?

Giant pandas live in broadleaf and coniferous forests that have a ton of bamboo. The forests in which they live experience heavy rainfall and dense mist. The giant panda is an endangered species.

Why are giant bamboos so big?

because pandas need enough food .

What do giant pandas need to survive?

they need shelter, food, water. They usually eat bamboo, their diet consists of 99% bamboo

Why do you need Asian giant pandas?

They help the environment :)

What change to its habitat could harm a panda?

When farmers need land to plant crops they need to cut down trees where pandas live to make enough land to plant their crops. After the trees are cut down it harms the pandas because the pandas need that tree bamboo to survive inside their habitat. But then the pandas need to move to another habitat where they can survive and have enough food to eat. Hope this helped.

Why do giant pandas need their kind of area?

they need to live in places where their is bamboo

How do giant pandas exercise?

pandas dont need very much exercise because they play in there cadge

How much do pandas need to eat to survive?

Pandas need to eat up to 20 or 30 pounds of bamboo shoots in one day, to gain the nourishment the they needs to survive.

What is a plant that panda need to help it survive?

pandas need lots of bamboo

How much does the giant panda cost?

Giant pandas are not for sale. China will lease them to some zoos, however. Individual persons need not apply. All giant pandas remain the property of the Chinese government.

For what predators do pandas need to watch?

Adult giant pandas are the largest mammal in their habitat and have no predators. Baby pandas may be taken by snow leopards or jackals.