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The Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Fund is used to benefit Girl Scouts of the USA for international travel and participation in training and other international events.

Some of the funds are also used to support the World Thinking Day Fund which helps encourage the development of Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting in new countries.

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Q: How do girls around the world benefit from the money in the Juliette Gordon Low World Friendship Fund?
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What was the name of Juliette Gordon Low's parrot?

Juliette Gordon Low had many pets, including a number of birds. At one time she had a large, gray parrot named Polly Poons. Polly Poons used to sleep on Daisy’s chest but terrify those around her.

What was the shape of Juliette Gordon Low's pendant?

Juliette Gordon Low wore the Silver Fish award suspended around her neck from a blue and white ribbon. The Silver Fish is a prestigious British Girl Guide award. Juliette was one of only three Americans ever to receive it and she was very proud of it.

What are three things that describe Juliette Gordon Low?

Talented: Juliette Gordon Low sculpted and painted and was active in the arts.Resourceful: Juliette found many ways to get the people and the funds needed to support Girl Scouting in the USA.Strong: Juliette continued on, even through all the tragedy in her life. She used her experiences when designing the Girl Scout program and wanted to show girls that they could do things for themselves.

What did Juliette Gordon Low's uniform look like?

Juliette Gordon Low's Girl Scout uniform's components were a belted khaki Norfolk jacket and skirt, black tie, and campaign-style hat. She also wore the Silver Fish award suspended around her neck from a blue and white ribbon. The Silver Fish is a prestigious British Girl Guide award. Juliette was one of only three Americans ever to receive it and she was very proud of it.

Where did Juliette Gordon Low love to go?

Juliette Gordon Low loved to travel many places. She loved to visit family in Chicago, Illinois. She had family and friends all around the United States whom she loved to visit. Juliette also loved to travel in Europe. She had homes in London, England and in Scotland. She had family and many friends in Europe. She also made one tour of India.

What did Juliette Gordon Low contribute to the world?

Juliette Gordon Low was the founder of Girl Scouts of the USA. Juliette Gordon Low was the daughter of William Washington Gordon and Eleanor Kinzie Gordon. She married William Mackay Low, a wealth Englishman. After Willie died, Juliette traveled and met Sir Robert Baden-Powell the founder of Boy Scouts. Sir Robert Baden-Powell encouraged Juliette to become involved in the starting Girl Guide troops in Scotland and London, England and then Juliette brought the Girl Guide movement to the United States in 1912.

Did Juliette Gordon Low study?

Since Juliette Gordon Low came from a family that was well-to-do, she never had what would be considered an occupation. She never had to work at a job to earn a living. However, Juliette was very interested in the arts and created many sculptures and works of wrought iron, including a gate that is located at the Girl Scout National Center (or The Birthplace). Because of Juliette's well-to-do upbringing, she felt unprepared for dealing with events in her life, so she found a way, through Girl Scouting, to help young women better prepare for their futures. So, her occupation later in life was concentrated on bringing Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting to girls around the world. Juliette first started troops in Scotland and London, then came to the USA and registered the first troop for membership in Savannah, GA in 1912.

How did Juliette Gordon Low get married?

According to several Biographers, the Girl Scouts" Founder was buried in her Girl Scout Uniform and there were various decorations such as the Silver Fish (British) and the Thanks Badge on the jacket portion. Presdumably the Hat was either not used or may have been placed at her feet(People don"t normally wear hats indoors or in Church. ) I have no idea what her religious background was nor if any religious items were on or around her body. several biographers agree she had an open viewing and was laid out in her GSa Uniform, there are differences in descriptions of various insignia, etc.

Tell what friendship means?

Friendship is the relationship between friends.

What was Juliette Gordon Low's favorite color?

There is no specific information about Juliette Gordon Low's favorite color. One suggestion is that her favorite color was either white or yellow. This is possible, due to her nickname being "Daisy" and white and yellow are the color of daisies. Another suggestion is that her favorite color was green since Girl Scout uniforms in the USA are usually green and that Juliette wore a green uniform.

Why do you have friendship day?

Search it up on google. Just type in "friendship day" (without the quotation marks around it though)

What fruit is the symbol of friendship and hospitality around the world?
