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Q: How do glaciers contribute to the process of erosion?
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Is not a process that contributes to weathring an erosion of landforms?

Tectonic process does not contribute to an erosion of land forms.

What is process of wearing away or moving of soil and rock by water wind and ice?

surface erosion-the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc.

How are glaciers and erosion the same and different?

Well glaciers are big chunks of ice and glacial erosion is the erosion caused by glaciers

What happens when glaciers go through erosion?

Glaciers do not go through erosion, they erode.

What is the process of soil formation called?

The process is known as Pedogenesis. Erosion and siltation are two of the mechanisms that contribute to pedogenesis.

What causes erosion to occur magnets or glaciers?

Magnets do not play any role in erosion. Glaciers are ony of many things that cause erosion.

What is the process of soil sand and tiny pieces of rock being moved by wind water or glaciers?

it is called erosion

What is the process of soil sand and tiny pieces of rock being moved by wind wateror glaciers?

Erosion c:

Do valley glaciers exist?

Yes, for over thousands of years snow, ice and glaciers have been slowly moving. In the process they make a deep valley or gorge from all the erosion.

What does the term soil erosion mean?

Soil erosion is the process by which pieces of the earth are taken and moved elsewhere. Erosion is commonly seen in areas where there is a lot of friction, such as a stream. Other forms of erosion are caused by freezing, glaciers, and strong winds.

Are glaciers formed by erosion?
