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It takes up more water into its central vacuole.

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Q: How do growing plant cells primarily elongate?
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Which organelle when increased in size causes plant cells to elongate?

The cell wall when increased in size causes plant cells to elongate. This is accompanied by increase in cytoplasmic contents also. Thus, the dry weight of the cell also increases with the elongation of cell wall.

What is it called when a plant grows toward light?

It is called "phototropism". It is caused by the destruction (by light) of chemicals (called Auxins), produced by the growing tip, that is responsible for making plants cells elongate. The side in shadow therefore elongates while the side in full Sun does not. This turns the plant growth towards the Sun.

When a plant grows toward the light what do you call it?

Its called phototropism. It's actually really cool, the shaded side's cells elongate, causing the plant to bend towards the sun

How would a plant grow if you sow the seed on its side?

Always Up!An effect in plants called Geotropism points the plant in the right direction. A Tropism is a movement caused by some stimuli in a plant and Geo refers to the earth and placement upon it.Scientists suspect that the plant uses the placement of starches within it's cells to determine which way is up and it will then elongate the cells on one side of the stem until it is growing in an upwards direction.

When a plant leans towards the sun it is a reaction of what?

plants lean towards the sun to gain nutrients, that is an adaptation. They also use th sun photosynthesis plants lean towards the sun for photosynthesis. When they leann towards the sun it is an adaptation

What is the function of starch in the cells?

The function of starch in plant cells is primarily the storage, and then the releasing, of biochemical energy.

What helps plant cells divide and is located primarily in roots and fruits.?


What helps plant cells divide and is located primarily in roots and fruits?


What part of the plant produces cells?

The growing tip, the "apical meristem".

What zones follows the zone of cell division in a root tip?

This is the organization of roots from the base closest to the plant itself to the tip of the root: zone of maturation - cells specialize to carry particular functions (root hairs present) zone of elongation - rows of newly produced cells elongate zone of cell division - new cells being produced root cap - covers the growing tip

What plant has leaves with branched veins a taproot and stems made primarily of cells?


How do auxins cause cells to grow?
